
沃瑞克县学校公司. 合作伙伴的教学和学习途径

The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 (UE) in partnership with the Warrick County School Corporation (WCSC), is offering a new program open to high school students interested in pursuing careers in 运动科学/物理治疗 and Education.

Warrick County students enrolled in the 运动科学/物理治疗 Pathway and the Education Professions Graduation Pathway will have the opportunity to complete both high school and post-secondary courses simultaneously and earn credit. These courses are then eligible to be transferred as college credit to UE or other universities that would accept transfer credit from the University.

The programs will be taught at the newly developed Warrick Pathways 职业中心 (WPCC.)该设施计划于2023年秋季开放, and students enrolled in the pathways program will have the opportunity to earn UE credits while taking courses.

“这对沃瑞克县的学生和英国威廉希尔中文网站都是积极的,教育与健康科学学院院长玛丽·凯斯勒说. “学生可以从高等教育资源和课程中受益, 哪些可以帮助他们更好地为未来的学术和职业目标做准备. 另外, there is the potential for students to accelerate completion of their undergraduate degrees, 获得与UE教师和学生的宝贵接触, 在某些情况下,更早进入职场. This partnership helps to address concerns related to higher education cost and workforce shortages in our community."

通过合作关系, scholarship support will be offered to students who successfully complete one of these two Next Level Study 项目. 入学后,学生每年将获得至少25,000美元的奖学金. This agreement also allows students the ability for direct entry eligibility to several UE health sciences programs.

"This program creates the perfect opportunity to increase access to higher education for students in the Warrick County area,WCSC学习主任和即将上任的主管阿比·雷德蒙说. "It will promote successful future careers for our local high schoolers by giving them an additional way to complete their education."


玛丽。凯斯勒, 教育与健康科学学院院长, 已被提名为2019年雅典娜奖®决赛选手之一. 

Recipients of the ATHENA Award® are exceptional leaders in the Evansville-area community that have actively and generously assisted others in the attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills.

Those who nominated Kessler for the award cited many personal traits and professional accomplishments:  

从协助职业决策, 帮助职业发展, Mary encourages women to pursue their full potential and continually helps them along the way."

同时在自己的职业生涯中取得了很高的成就, 玛丽是许多妇女的榜样, 年轻的和成熟的. 不管她的职业需求如何, Mary is devoted to guiding women in their pursuits through many fields including engineering, 法律, 卫生和其他专业, 在我们的社区里是女性的倡导者吗, 并激励女性在职业生涯中达到最高水平. 最重要的是, Mary promotes work-life balance and the importance of professional women finding time to care for themselves in order to be their personal best at home and work."

“Mary曾获得UE的全球学者奖, 以及院长杰出教授奖,以表彰她对学生的贡献, 以及学生年度最佳指导老师奖. She has mentored physical therapy students in the research process and has had several studies presented at national professional conferences. Mary has also been recognized for her leadership role in bringing the [Stone Family Center for Health Sciences] to completion."

The ATHENA Awards® have been hosted by the Southwest Indiana Chamber annual since the 1990s. 2019年的获奖者将在年度颁奖典礼上公布 雅典娜奖午宴 2019年2月22日. 

其他入围者包括:吉娜·吉布森, executive director at Evansville Christian Life Center; Deena Laska Lewis, founder and choreographer at Children's Center for Dance Education; Millie Marshall, president of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana; Susan Parsons, CFO at Koch Enterprises; and Carrie Roelle, 卡恩合伙人, 方式, 多诺万, & 卡恩LLP). 

Chicago-based ATHENA 国际 is a nonprofit organization founded in 1982 by Martha Mertz. 除了支持, 发展中, 向女性领袖致敬, the organization seeks to create balance in leadership worldwide and inspire women to achieve their full potential. 自1982年该项目启动以来, 近6,500多个社区的5000多名领导人获得了雅典娜奖®.


High school juniors and seniors interested in a career in the health professions may earn college credit through 英国威廉希尔中文网站’s Health Sciences Certificate program. This online program provides exposure to a variety of health science disciplines giving participants a head start on their future health-related careers.

The Health Sciences Certificate provides required credits for the following 英国威廉希尔中文网站 majors:

  • 体育训练
  • 临床检验科学
  • 运动与体育科学
  • 护理
  • 公共卫生

另外, the certificate provides prerequisite course work for the following programs: Physical Therapist Assistant, 物理治疗, 和医师助理科学.

“This certificate provides students with a competitive advantage as they begin their college careers,玛丽·凯斯勒说, 教育与健康科学学院院长. “Courses can be taken to meet a student’s personal needs and schedule for a fraction of the cost.”

该项目提供长达13个小时的大学学分. 该证书包括五门核心课程和一门选修课, 所有课程都是在线授课,每学时125美元, 外加85美元的学期注册费和技术费.

健康科学证书课程仅限于高中三年级和高年级学生. Courses are offered online each fall and spring semester in eight- or 16-week offerings.

更多信息和在线注册可在 www.埃文斯维尔.edu/healthcertificate

UE物理治疗专业学生, 校友, 体育住院医生帮助高中运动员预防受伤

UE physical therapy students and sports residents recently performed injury prevention screenings at a local high school.

The screenings benefit athletes at risk of injury and assist them in implementing a program to correct movement dysfunctions and decrease risk of injury.

The team was led by UE PT professors Kyle Kiesel and Bethany Huebner; UE/ProRehab sports residents Sam Callahan and Danielle Honnette, 以及剑桥大学校友凯尔·马塞尔, 弗兰妮Matsel, 金正日摩尔人, and Paul Gorman; and first year DPT students Jessika Volz, 本·约翰逊, 和一个.J. 赫曼.
